Fr. Michael O’Flanagan (1876 - 1942)
Priest, Irish Republican, Gaelic Scholar, Sinn Fen president, Editor and
Social activist
Cathal Brugha describing Fr. Michael O'Flanagan as
“The staunchest priest who ever lived in Ireland”. That was no idle
boast as Fr. O'Flanagan was indeed a true son of Ireland who throughout
his life stood firm for its freedom and its people. Castigated and
assigned to remote parishes by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy for his
political and land reform activism, he remained true to his priestly
vocation and continuing to serve and protect the people from the
wiles of the authorities and their servants.

Early Life and Education
Michael O’Flanagan was born in Kilkeeven, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon in
1876 to Edward Flanagan and Mary Flanagan, nee Crawley. The Flanagan's
were smallholding farmers who managed to eke out a living by raising
enough crops and livestock to provide for the family.
Despite the many hardships they faced under British rule they remained
defiantly steadfast and confident in their Irishness, resolute and
determined to resist the attempted
of the Irish people which, at that time, was an imperative British
objective. To that end they embraced all aspects of their ethnic Irish
cultural heritage including its history, literature, arts, and language.
They also engaged in Fenian and
Land League activities despite the risk such so-called "subversive
activities" posed to their wellbeing and freedom.
Such were the childhood difficulties and influences that characterized
Michael early years.
In a historic context it’s worth noting here that another notable
individual, Douglas Hyde, founder of the Gaelic League, also hailed from
Castlerea. A speech delivered by Hyde to the Irish National Literary
Society in November of 1892 titled ‘The Necessity for De-Anglicizing
Ireland’ led to the formation of the Gaelic League. Hyde was a leading
figure in the Irish Literary Revival movement at the turn of the 20th
O’Flanagan received his primary education at the Cloonbonniffe National
School in Castlerea. After completing his primary education, he attended
Summerhill College, a secondary school for boys in Sligo town. After
graduating from there in 1894 he entered St. Patrick's College in
Maynooth in Co. Kildare to study for the priesthood. He was a brilliant
student who excelled in a broad range of subjects including oratory,
theology, the Irish language, education, and natural science.
O'Flanagan was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Elphin in August of
1900. After his ordination he returned to Summerhill College as a
lecturer of Irish, a position he officially held, albeit long absences,
until 1914. As a young newly ordained priest, O'Flanagan, who involved
himself in Irish nationalism, rural development, Irish self-reliance,
and the survival of the Irish language, worked with Hyde on a number of
projects during the turbulent early years of the 20th century.
Gaelic League
In 1903 O'Flanagan was the prime mover and organizer for the Sligo
Feis, the first Gaelic Feis in Connacht. The aim of the
Feis was to advance the revival of the Irish Language and the
preservation of Ireland's Cultural heritage. During the early years of
the Feis Douglas Hyde adjudicated Irish language
competitions. After O’Flanagan
left Sligo the Feis lapsed. It
was revived in 1929 and has flourished ever since.
In 1904, O'Flanagan, who by then was recognized as an expert
on agricultural cooperatives, was
sent to the United States by the Bishop of Elphin, John Joseph
Clancy and Horace Plunkett, the vice-President of the Irish Department
of Agriculture and Technical Instruction. His mission, which spanned a
number of years and numerous trips was 1) to raise funds and awareness
for home-based industries in the west of Ireland and 2) publicize the
work of the Gaelic League and raise funds to support its programs.
In 1910 Flanagan was elected to the Executive Council of the Gaelic
League, an organization the Catholic Hierarchy deemed a threat to its
exalted role in Irish society and to its influence over the everyday
lives of the Irish people. As a priest, his involvement with the League
and other nationalist leaning organizations placed him at odds with the
Hierarchy, thus, despite his communicative and fundraising skills, his
chances of advancing within the organizational structure of the Church
were nonexistent.
As a consequence, Flanagan spent much more of his time involved with
political issues, particularly with those relating to the struggle for
control of the Gaelic League. In 1913, control of the League was in the
hands of the republican leaning Keating Branch led by Cathal Brugha.
O’Flanagan, who supported the aims of the Keating Branch was elected to
the League’s Standing Committee.
During the years 1912 through 1914 O’Flanagan spent some time attending
to his ecclesiastical duties at St. Sylvester in Rome in Rome "the
Church for the English-Speaking Peoples in Rome".
In 1914 the new Bishop of Elphin, Bernard Coyne, appointed O’Flanagan as
curate to the parish of Ahamlish, serving in Cliffoney village. After
arriving there he became involved in a turf cutting dispute that became
known as the ‘Cloonerco Bog Fight’. The dispute was brought about by the
Congested District’s Board who persisted that turf cutting rights be
awarded to families who had relatives in the British Army or Royal Irish
Constabulary (RIC). The local farmers who depended on turf for cooking
and heating their homes were, literally, left out in the cold. Bishop
Coyne warned O'Flanagan not to become involved in the dispute
At the onset of the turf cutting season in 1915 O'Flanagan instructed
the local farmers to meet him outside the church with their turf cutting
implements. Ignoring the Bishop’s warning he led them to the bogs where
they encountered a large contingent of RIC who ordered them to stop.
Ignoring their orders Fr Michael marched through the assembled RIC and
cut the first sod of turf himself. Reluctant to arrest a priest the RIC
backed off. Despite selected arrests and legal action by the
authorities the local farmers prevailed.
After cutting and saving the turf the farmers, in an act of defiance,
stacked the turf close to the RIC barracks with a sign that read:
In retaliation for having defied the bishop regarding the turf cutting
incident as well as his anti-British stance, Fr. O’Flanagan was
transferred to Crossna, a remote parish in north Roscommon reserved for
recalcitrant priests. If the intent was to silence him it did not work.
He continued to agitate for the redistribution of land to the farmers
who worked its’ soil for privileged and/or absentee landlords. He also
spoke out against Ireland’s forced participation in WWI – the War of the
Revolutionary Period
On Sunday 1st August 1915 Fr. O’Flanagan officiated at the funeral of
O’Donovan Rossa. He accompanied
O’Rossa’s widow,
Mary Jane, and daughter in their carriage in the funeral cortege to
Glasnevin where he conducted the burial service in Irish. After he
finished Pádraig Pearse
delivered the funeral oration, a speech for the ages.
He did not participate in the Easter Rising of 1916. He considered the
executed leader’s martyrs and heroes and their execution a grave
criminal act, akin to a war crime. In its aftermath he became more
fervent and committed to Ireland’s freedom and sovereignty.
At the 1917 Sinn Féin convention nationalist leaning members led by
Arthur Griffith and republican leaning members led by de Valera resolved
their differences and agreed to move forward in pursuit of an
independent Irish Republic. De Valera was elected President of the
unified organization; Arthur Griffith and O’Flanagan were elected
vice-Presidents. O’Flanagan who was an effective and knowledgeable
leader took control of the organization during de Valera’s prolonged
tour of the United States in 1920.
In May of 1918 during the East Cavan by-election campaign O’Flanagan
denounced the British and German warmongers who had led millions to
their deaths: “Those royal cousins who rule England and Germany will
come together and clink their champagne glasses over the graves of
millions of the flower of the manhood of Germany and England.”
After this speech O’Flanagan was sanctioned by Bishop Coyne who could
not countenance any criticism directed at the British for either their
callous treatment of their Irish subjects or their imperial global
During the 1918 General Election campaign, Flanagan’s oratorical skills
and eloquence was a major factor in the success of Sinn Fein candidates
who won 73 of the 105 seats contested. Those skills were clearly
demonstrated in the successful election campaign of Count Plunkett’s in
Roscommon north.
Count Plunkett was the father of
Joseph M.
Plunkett, one of the executed 1916 Proclamation signatories. He was
also a distant cousin of the aforementioned Horace Plunkett.
The Irish General Election of 1918 was part of the United Kingdom's
General Election for seats in the British House of Commons in London.
Instead of heading off to London to take their seats in the British
Parliament, the elected Sinn Féin candidates convened their own
parliament, Dáil Éireann, at the Mansion House in Dublin. O’Flanagan,
who was appointed the Dails Chaplin, recited the invocation at its
inaugural meeting in January 1919.
It was at that meeting that Ireland was declared a sovereign 32-county
Irish Republic.
During the War of Independence, he held unauthorized communications with
Edward Carson, leader of the Unionist in the north, and with Lloyd
George, the British prime minister probing the possibility of arriving
at a peaceful solution to the conflict. His efforts, which caused
consternation within the Republican ranks, proved fruitless.
Despite his efforts at peace-making he vehemently opposed the divisive
Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921 that ended the war. He did not take part in
the ensuing Treaty War between British backed Free State forces who
supported the Treaty and Republican volunteers who opposed it.
Nonetheless, his anti-Treaty stance coupled with his castigation by the
Church made him a potential target for retribution by Free State agents.
Aware of his vulnerability to harm he returned to the Unites States in
November of 1921 at the height of the Treaty War.
In March 1923, O’Flanagan together with John J. O’Kelly (also known by
his nom de plume ‘Sceilg’) arrived in Australia from the United States
as envoys of the Irish Republican movement. During their six months stay
in Australia they met with Irish groups sympathetic to the Republican
cause. They also met with Irish-born Cardinal Daniel Mannix an outspoken
opponent of English rule in Ireland. When the purpose of their visit
became known to the authorities they were deported back to the United
States. He returned to Ireland in 1925.
At the 1926 Sinn Fein convention O'Flanagan sided with the Sinn Fein
members who defeated a proposal tabled by de Valera to allow Sinn Fein
TDs to enter the Free State Oireachtas (government apparatus). In order
to do so TD’s would have to swear allegiance to the English Monarch, one
of the contentious Treaty imposed conditions that precipitated the
Treaty War. After his defeat, de Valera left Sinn Fein with his
supporters, founded Fianna Fail, swore allegiance to the Monarch
and entered the Oireachtas.
Post Revolutionary Period
During the years 1927 through 1935 O’Flanagan edited, for publication,
several volumes of John O’Donovan manuscripts relating the 1830s
Ordnance Survey of Ireland. During that same period, he was commissioned
by the government to write a history of the Irish language for schools.
The manuscripts O’Donovan produced in support of the Ordnance Survey
included descriptions and details relating to topographical features,
antiquities, population, and socio-economic factors that could not be
adequately encapsulated in cartographic form. This was done at the
Parish level for every county in Ireland
In 1933 O’Flanagan was elected President of Sinn Fein. He was expelled
from the party in 1936 for participating in a Radio Eireann broadcast.
He was later readmitted.
During the Spanish Civil War, he supported the Spanish Republic. He was
vocal in his opposition to the Catholic Church’s support for the coup
d’état led by the fascist, General Franco, and his supporters. While on
a speaking of North America in support of the Spanish Republic he made
his feelings perfectly clear regarding the Church’s involvement in
political affairs stating, “when the Church tries to step outside of
its own activity, which is to preach the gospel, it is likely to do
In addition to other undertakings during the 1930’s he worked on the
development of county histories in Irish. The first of these works was
published in 1938. It was for his native county of Roscommon "Stair na
gCondae 1 – Ros Comáin".
In April of 1938, his ecclesiastical duties were restored by Bishop
Doorly allowing him to say Mass in public and administer the Sacraments.
Fr. Michael O’Flanagan a devout and exemplary priest a man of the people
and a diehard patriot died in Dublin on 8th August 1942 at the age of
66. He was buried in Glasnevin Cemetery on August 10th. His graveside
oration was given by "Sceilg"
Contributed by Tomás Ó Coısdealbha
ADDRESS: Finglas
Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, Ireland